Connor's Music Fellowship

2024 Connor's Music Fellowship
From left: Pat Donohue, Trey Shore ('12), Stef Haas ('20), Llewella Spencer ('21), Alisha Shahpurwala ('23), Stephanie Pizza ('16), MichaelAaron Flicker at the Fellowship Summer BBQ 2021
For over 12 years Connor's Music Fellowship honors the life and memory of Connor Donohue, a 2003 Ridgewood High School graduate.
The Fellowship consists of current RHS students, each of whom was selected based on their love of music, motivation to study music seriously, and willingness to serve as a mentor and role model to other musicians. Acceptance into the Fellowship includes weekly private music lessons, monthly music seminars with a professional musician, master classes with faculty at local universities, and opportunities to attend concerts in the area.
The Fellowship is managed by RHS alumni and music faculty.
The Fellowship is managed by RHS alumni and music faculty.
About Connor
The Fellowship was named after Connor Donohue, a dedicated musician, who played percussion in many of the school's bands and orchestras during his four years at RHS. Following high school, Connor went on to major in music at Connecticut College in New London, CT where he founded the New London Music Tutoring program to help underprivileged children in local schools get access to music education. He later worked as Dean of Students at Prep for Prep, a New York City-based organization that helps gifted inner-city students gain acceptance to New York's elite high schools.